to aspire to be the leader among design organisations of Russia, Ukrainian and the CIS countries, to manufacture high-quality design production with unconditional observance of treaty obligations, to expand types of service and geography of designed objects, to support corporate patriotism!

Youth Policy

Young Professionals Council was established in JSC “YUZHNIIGIPROGAZ” (hereinafter called UNGG)  in 2003 on initiative of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the joint stock company, Deputy Head of Strategic Development Department, Head of Design and Survey Office - I.V. Mescheryakov and JSC Gazprom. It united over 200 young employees working at that time in UNGG. Representatives of each  department of the company were elected to the Council at General Youth Conference. The Chairman of the Council was elected at the Council Meeting where Regulation on Council was adopted.

The key objectives of Young Professionals Council are as follows:

  • creating conditions for promotion of professional development and creative potential of young employees;
  • developing innovative activity of young employees;
  • social adaptation of young employees;
  • cultural growth of young employees;
  • assistance in communal and charity work of organization;
  • representing professional, social and other interests and rights of young employees;
  • keeping company traditions alive and developing them;
  • developing constructive international relations between young professionals;
  • comprehensive and harmonius personality development, health strengthening and forming of healthy way of life.

From 2003 to 2010 the Young Professionals Council was headed by Sergey Vishnyakov,  holding concurrently the post  of Chief Project Engineer of Design Department-2.  A new Chairman of the  Council, Yelena Galich (Design Department-3) was elected in February 2010.  The Young Professionals Council consists of 13 members, 1-2 of its members representing each department.

An important event in the life of Young Professionals Council took place in 2006 when  it was resolved by Association of Gazprom Design Companies, including JSC “YUZHNIIGIPROGAZ” as its member, to take care of young prefesisonals of gas industry. To this end, Coordination Center of Youth Organizations was established at Association of Design Companies of JSC Gazprom. It united  Young Professionals Councils of nine design companies. Coordination Center idendified for itself three lines if activity: operating activities, informational and sport-and-culture oriented activities. YUZHNIIGIPROGAZ, jointly with other companies, is in charge of main line  -  operating activities,  its goals and objectives are to organize seminars, conferences and training.


  • Operating Activities
    Goals and Objectives
    Organization and participation in topical workshops, conferences. Training and qualification improvement.
  • Informational Activities
    Goals and Objectives
    Informing about activities of one-field companies of Association of Gazprom Design Companies. Generating and implementing the information flow between young professionals and administration of JSC “YUZHNIIGIPROGAZ”.
  • Sport and Culture-Oriented Activities
    Participation and organization of sport contests between departments and other design companies. In-company shows of amateur works of employees. Organization of corporate recreation and tourist trips.